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Hello there !
I started coding when I was 10 years old because I wanted to be able to repair our home computer on my own, without having to rely on my father for assistance. It was like entering a Wonderland for me, as I delved into the world of programming and explored various technologies and frameworks over the years. I have a deep passion for discovering new techniques and building tools that empower me to create innovative solutions.
Uncover my true identity
The AssessFirst application gives recruiters the opportunity to see individuals for who they really are, beyond their resume, history of schools attended and past experiences.
Academic Journey & Professional Background
Software Engineer at Apside
Sep. 2022
PhD in Computer Science : AI & Embeded system
Oct. 2018
Graduation as Software Enginner - ISEN Yncrea
Intership at SopraSteria
Technological Proficiency Throughout My Journey
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